Contact us today to discuss your requirements (evening appointments available): 01189 776 064 /

Protect your Home

Planning for your future and theirs

Protect your Home

Planning for your future and theirs

How can I protect my family home for my children’s Inheritance?

For relatives of the estimated 130,000 elderly people who enter care homes every year in the UK, the sums at stake can be quite considerable.

According to healthcare analysts, residential care costs for patients in the South-East — who can pay up to £1,000 a week or more for residential care — that can add up a bill of nearly £100,000 over two years (the average time a person spends in care. It’s a shocking situation, especially considering those most commonly affected will be the hard-working, tax-paying working and middle classes. As it stands, anyone with property or capital worth £23,250 or more has to pay the full cost of their care. Because of this rule, it is estimated that 40,000 or more, family homes are sold each year to cover the bills.

What the local authority will be looking for is any signs of ‘deliberate deprivation of assets’ - whether it be signing over of a property to a relative or giving away large sums of money.

Committed to excellent service

To find out more about how we can help, please call, email or fill-in one of the forms below. We are based in Wokingham, Berkshire and have a growing client base throughout the South East and indeed across the country. For local appointments we can arrange to meet in person at your home and if you are further afield we can arrange a phone call or video conference call at a time to suit you.

Free Estate Planning Report

Download a copy of our eBook today to start your Estate Planning journey.

Use our advice to ensure that your loved ones and business associates are provided for in the way you would have intended.

The Probate Preservation Plus Trust from Countrywide is different

On the surface a standard Asset Protection Trust (APT) can appear very similar, however this is not the case. The Probate Preservation Plus Trust (PPPT) leads the way in providing significant advantages:

1. Avoids Chargeable Lifetime Transfers

2. Avoids Periodic and Exit charges being payable

3. Avoids Spouse paying unnecessary IHT on first death

4. Avoids losing your Residential Nil Rate Band (RNRB) allowance

5. PPPT 100% Money back guarantee

Get in Touch

Contact our friendly team and we will arrange your no obligation home visit. We can visit at a time that suits you, day or evening, seven days a week.

We come to you

At your appointment, we’ll listen to your wishes and discuss your options. We explain everything in plain English, so you don’t have to worry about complex legal jargon.

Secure Paperwork

Your Will is drafted by our legal department and sent to you for approval. We will then arrange a second visit ( if needed ) to help you sign your Will.


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